• We can't stop the crime...


    but we can help crime victims...

  • ... for 27 years!

Victim Support Europe: Give EU victims of crime access to stronger rights and support services

Victim Support Europe: Give EU victims of crime access to stronger rights and support services


Why this is Important

The European Union is currently negotiating a new EU Directive, giving stronger rights to victims of crime across all Member States. The Directive includes right to information, protection and right to access victim support services. Current negotiations threaten to weaken the Directive, which would prevent fundamental improvements and leave victims without access to appropriate rights and services. We call on all EU institutions and Member States to unite in our efforts to support the new Directive to provide stronger rights and protection for victims of crime in Europe.

We are asking you to please sign our European Petition calling for strong rights for victims at https://www.change.org/petitions/european-parliament-give-eu-victims-of-crime-access-to-stronger-rights-and-support-services

Thank you.

Bily kruh bezpeci, o.s. - member of Victim Support Europe

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Approved by the Executive board of Bílý kruh bezpečí, z.s. 21.4.2007